Wood pellet is a natural biofuel that comes from chemical-free pure virgin wood shavings which are dried, ground and pressed into 6mm pellets. It is a sustainable material because the shavings are obtained from production scraps or from managed forest wood. Pellet is also an eco-friendly solution because it doesn’t release harmful substances into the environment, and, last but not least, has a high calorific power, superior to other types of heating and considerably less expensive.


Adriacoke’s wood pellet fully satisfies all ENplus® certification requirements in terms of quality and sustainability: 

Produced exclusively from debarked pure virgin wood. 

Free from chemical additives. 

Ideally sized for the automatic loading and precise control of consumption, volume and temperature. 

High calorific value, very low moisture and ash content.

Seleziona il prodotto per:

Professional Pellets

The mixture of red and white fir virgin wood ensures maximum calorific efficiency and minimal ash and dust residue.


Premium pellets from North American and Canadian fir and conifer virgin wood. Calorbianco provides matchless heating power combined with easy kindling and high thermal efficiency.

Calorbianco Brasil

Premium pellets from conifer virgin wood with high calorific value, thanks to its excellent burning power.

Sweet Home EU

Premium pellets from European conifer virgin wood. Thanks to their good thermal efficiency and low moisture content, they are ideal for warming up the house quickly.

Sweet Home Brasil

Premium pellets from Brasilian beech virgin wood. The combination of excellent thermal efficiency and long-lasting combustion ensures the house stays nice and warm.


Premium pellets from American fir and conifer virgin wood. Pyro wraps your house in a warm embrace thanks to its high-density pellets with low moisture and ash content.

German Pellets

Premium pellets from German fir virgin wood. The strict and continuous controls guarantee maximum quality and reliability.

Favillo Beech

Premium pellets from European beech virgin wood with powerful and long-lasting heating power, for a warm and welcoming house.


Extra European pure wood pellets. The prevalence of conifers gives an excellent calorific value combined with low ash residue.


Premium pellets from German fir virgin wood. The strict and continuous controls guarantee maximum quality and reliability.

Hot Fire

Premium pellets from German fir virgin wood. The absence of additives keeps your stove clean and ensures it lasts longer.