The only company in Italy that is ENplus® certified for production, distribution and transport in silo trucks.

The ENplus® seal of certification guarantees the chemical, physical and calorific properties of the wood pellet, as well as the quality of the whole supply chain, from the choice of raw material, to its distribution, and to its final delivery to the end-user.
Adriacoke is the only company in Italy that holds certificazione ENplus® certification for the whole supply chain: production, distribution and transport in certified silo trucks.

How to recognize certified wood pellet:

  1. It must reproduce the ENplus® logo correctly, with the country and certified company code (from 001 to 299: producer code, from 301 to 999: distributor code).
  2. It must include the term «wood pellets» and the quality class (A1 o A2) based on the relevant norm (ISO 17225-2).
  3. It must include the net weight of the bag, the diameter of the pellets and storage and usage notes.
  4. It must include the name and address of the Certified Producer or Trader (the last certified company in the chain).

View our certificates: